Didactic in team sports and games [ LEDPH1044 ]
6.0 crédits ECTS
7.5 h + 67.5 h
1 + 2q
Teacher(s) |
Gérard Philippe (coordinator) ;
Dupont Jean-Philippe ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The student will use the appropriate tools to evaluate the individual and collective habilities.
He will have essential lines to analyse his intervention according to the motivation and the motor involving of the participants. He will be able to justify his didactical choices and to express his theorical referentials.
Aims |
By the end of this course, the student will be able to adopt the different roles inherent to the teaching in collective sports, accordind to the type and the context of the intervention: teacher, coach, referee, player,...
He will be able to altern the game situations and the technical and tactical learnings in joining up them together.
He will make the student sensitive to the behaviors in respect with the ethic and the fair-play
Content |
Content: This course develops audiences didactic principles specific to cutting sports from a definition of this type of APS. More specific elements to the four sporting disciplines addressed in the collective IEPRI are also presented. This presentation is chronological, addressing sequentially in both goals as the means
> the period of preliminary preparation,
> the period of basic training,
> and the period of specialization.
The theoretical basis leads to a practice in sports hall of didactic principles cross all sports, but also more specific to each of these sports.
> lectures in auditoriums,
> micro teaching sessions focused on learning specific skills, technical gestures and modes of organization-specific collective sports sports halls,
> Thursday sessions focused on the management of a team and / or a gathering of sports in sports halls,
> Seminar sessions (group work and oral presentations) on a theoretical and operational on the teaching of games and sports.
Other information |
Evaluation Written on oral examination and/or continual evaluation
Support Course notes and books
Supervision Professor
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Bachelor in Motor skills : General
Faculty or entity in charge |
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