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International criminal law [ LDROP2123 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Cesoni Maria Luisa ; Vandermeersch Damien ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes This teaching is specialized. It is based on the knowledge of the basic principles and concepts of the criminal law, of the penal procedure and of the international public law. It aims at studying a juridical phenomena which is actually subject to significant developments. The first part of the course is relating to the international cooperation in penal matter and to the various institutional places implementing the cooperation. After having examined the main features of the treaties and other international instruments adopted within the framework of the United Nations, the concept of international crime will be studied. Then, the course will study the serious violations of the international humanitarian law (war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide). It will finally examine the question of the individual responsibility for these crimes, implemented by the national (Belgian) penal jurisdictions or by the international penal jurisdictions (International tribunal for Ex-Yugoslavia and Rwanda, International criminal court) or courts (e.g.: Sierra Leone or Kampuchea).
Aims To acquire a knowledge relating to international aspects of the criminal law and the criminal procedure. To develop a critical analysis ability, especially through the understanding of the stakes of the new international regulations in penal matter. The course is based on participatory teaching methods (learning through projects or problems, review of the relevant case-law and doctrine, debates with guest speakers, field studies ...) which allow the students to develop independently a critical, forward-looking and inventive look on public international law. Students are encouraged to participate and to get involved in learning, which has both an individual and a collective dimension.
Other information This teaching is specialized. It is based on the knowledge of the basic principles and concepts of the criminal law, of the penal procedure and of the international public law
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in International Law
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Law
Faculty or entity
in charge

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