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International Protection of Human Rights [ LDROP2091 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) De Schutter Olivier ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes The course of international protection of human rights is divided in two parts. First, it examines the international mechanisms for the protection of human rights, particularly those established at the universal and European levels and, in lesser detail, those created within other regional organizations. Second, the course examines the substantive law of human rights, on the basis of the main international treaties which implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and of the concepts these treaties rely upon (restrictions to rights and freedoms, derogations, absuse of rights, progressive realization, etc.). Specific attention will be paid to the United Nations core human rights treaties and to the instruments of the Council of Europe. Thus, the course aims at introducing the participants to the international and European law of human rights (sources, interpretation, control mechanisms, and actors).
Aims - To acquire a good understanding of international mechanisms for the protection of human rights and of its main actors ; - To familiarize oneself with the sources of international human rights law ; - To gain a good knowledge of the main concepts on the basis of which the international law of human rights develops and is built. This course forms part of a coherent option of three courses. The professors in this option form a teaching team : they seek to ensure that the contents and methods of each course offer a consistent set of teachings and that they are complementary. This course uses participatory teaching methods (learning through case studies, discussion of the case-law, debates with outside invitees, field experience…) allowing the students to develop an approach which is at once critical, prospective, and inventive. The participants are encouraged to be actively involved in learning the subject, both individually and as a group. In this perspective, the professors from different options permanently exchange about their teaching experiences with a view to constantly improving them.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Law
> Advanced Master in European Law
> Advanced Master in International Law
> Advanced Master in Tax Law
Faculty or entity
in charge

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