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International news and European journalism [ LCOMU2655 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Antoine Frédéric ; Theys Michel ; Marthoz Jean-Paul ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

The course determines the components of the international topicality, enumerates and analyzes the mechanisms in place, and provides the tools necessary to its comprehension. It makes some in the same way for L '' European topicality, in particular with regard to the Institutions of the European Union and political Europe. The course analyzes the large files of topicality of the moment, and makes some tratement


The student must be capable to control the mechanisms organizing the international and European circulation of information, and must be able to carry a glance criticizes about them. In addition, the student must have a knowledge of the large files of the international and European topicality of the moment, and show that it can control complexity of it.

Evaluation methods

The evaluation will be based on a writing and research assignment at the end of the semester.


This course introduces students to the universe of international journalism (major media and actors), describes the challenges (globality, complexity, transversality, freedom, insecurity, etc.) that confront international journalists and applies the various forms of journalism (fact-based reporting, analysis, editorial...) to the treatment of concrete news examples.

In cooperation with Mr. Michel Theys it also covers the permanent actors of global news (United States, United Nations, NGOs, religious groups, transnational crime, corporations, etc.) in order to provide a complex and comprehensive presentation of world news.

This course is based on the manual Journalisme international (De Boeck Université) and Et maintenant le monde en bref (Complexe/GRIP).

It requires a serious level of attention to European and international news, mastering Web-based research as well as a good knowledge of the English and French languages.


This course is based on the manual Journalisme international (De Boeck Université) and Et maintenant le monde en bref (Complexe/GRIP).

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Information and Communication
> Master [120] in Information and Communication
Faculty or entity
in charge

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