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Cultural Studies [ LCOMU2200 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Reyniers Alain ; Sepulchre Sarah ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course must be composed of three parts, returning one with the other in a complementary way.
Aims This course proposes an introduction to the principal theories of analysis of the cultural field, while taking as a starting point the research in sociology of the culture and in the field of the "farming studies". It must introduce the various authors and the major currents of the ideal models and methodological of analysis of the cultural productions of XXe and XXIe century, from the critical point of view, without neglecting some case studies, in order to give to the students the capacity to analyze themselves in manner criticizes all the steps and the cultural productions old and contemporary.
Content The course must be composed of three parts, returning one with the other in a complementary way. It must initially propose a critical history of the principal authors of the field of the sociology of the culture (Bourdieu, Heinich…) and of the field of farming the studies, since R. Hoggart until the more recent theories (gender studies…). This history of the theories of the cultural analysis must then be put in prospect for manner critical, in order to allow the construction of tools for analysis. It is a question of exceeding the encyclopaedic approach to manage to produce grids of interpretation of the cultural practices, as well in situation of production as of reception. Lastly, the students will be brought, in fine, to carry out a case study of a cultural practice (in the sector of the visual arts, the music, the exposures, the literature, the media…) that they will be able to analyze in its socio-economic, political context, ideological, using the tools of which they will have to thus express their practical and intellectual control.
Other information Course supported by a syllabus and portfolio.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in History
> Master [120] in Information and Communication
> Master [120] in Information and Communication
> Master [120] in Performing Arts
> Master [60] in Information and Communication
> Master [120] in Anthropology
> Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Faculty or entity
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