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Scientific Writing [ LCLIG2122 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  7.5 h   1 + 2q 

Teacher(s) Simon Anne-Catherine ;
Language French
of the course


Main themes

This seminar will be composed of approximately five sessions in limited groups, spread over the academic year. In between, breaks will allow the students to prepare their individual papers. The seminar will deal with the epistemological, methodological and writing requirements that are expected in academic texts. More specifically, during the collective sessions the lecturer will provide the theoretical and practical instructions to the students in order to write an abstract, a summary of an existing scientific article and an innovative personal scientific article. The latter will generally be based on previous work realized for the master thesis.


The main objective of this course is to acquire sound competences in the field of academic writing. At the end of the seminar, the student should be able to write: - an abstract - a scientific article (of about 12 pages) that could be submitted to an academic journal. Therefore, the student will have to acquire the rules and style specific to these types of academic discourse, to be able to summarize the state of the art of the topic and to provide a critical analysis of the subject.

Evaluation methods

The article that will be written at the end of the seminar will be evaluated by the lecturer and the supervisor of the research on which the article is based. The mentioned requirements will be taken into account.

Teaching methods



The seminar will allow the students of the research Master to present the different steps of their work to each other and to take advantage of the suggestions for improvement made by the lecturer and the other participants. Hence, it will require an active participation and will be based on the principle of "peer reviewing", a common method in the academic world in which academics evaluate the quality of texts (abstracts or articles) written by their colleagues. Concretely, the students will have to evaluate the texts of their colleague in order to determine the possibilities of publication or acceptation. The seminar will be divided into different parts: - a theoretical introduction to the epistemological, methodological and writing aspects (collective session); - individual work in which the theoretical aspects will be applied; - evaluation and discussion of the work (collective session).



Other information


The student will be provided a methodological vademecum with the instructions on the academic writing and examples of articles.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Linguistics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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