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Library economics and notions of bibliometrics I [ LCLIB2120 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   1q 

This biannual course is taught on years 2014-2015, 2016-2017, ...

Teacher(s) Brodkom Frédéric ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources




Main themes
  • Basic principles of library science and bibliometrics (1st part),
  • Cataloguing and design of research tools,
  • ISO standards for libraries and documentation,
  • General and specialised bibliographic database (introduction and use),
  • Visit to at least one academic or technical library, public library and documentation centre

This course, together with its second part (LCLIB2125) will enable students to

  • apply the main principles of library science and bibliometrics,
  • be familiar with the main functions of a library/multi-media centre or a documentation centre, as well as the legal provisions that relate to them,
  • design or adapt the structure of a library/multi-media centre or a documentation centre,
  • design and implement appropriate research tools for different kinds of users,
  • keep up to date with developments in the field, 
  • create a management chart for a library/multi-media centre or a documentation centre,
  • analyse the expectations of the different kinds of users, and to design and implement a development plan,
  • evaluate the management of a library/multi-media centre or a documentation centre, and the satisfaction rate of its users,
  • be familiar with documentary tracking tools.
Evaluation methods

The evaluation will be held during the session of examination.  It will consist in an oral test, with preparation, during which the student will try to solve a particular problem of library management.

Teaching methods

The 15 hours of learning are constituted of thematic presentations with theoretical notions and practical case studies.  Preparations and seeking of information will be requested in order to increase the interactivity of the course.
Visits and professional meetings, personal works, invitation to conferences and other activities are also in the program.


This course will be divided in three parts.
The "physical" library and its management.  The approach will consist in thematic lessons on particular topics of the library of today. In order to increase the interaction between the teacher and students, they will be invited to prepare the proposed subjects: space management, diversity of supports, the chain of treatment from purchases to shelves, services to users, preservation, statistics (bibliometrics), etc.
Management of the 'electronic' library.  This section will be partially given in computer rooms where the student will discover the tools and methods of documentary research.  The students will also use OPACS and/or clients of library catalogues used in public libraries and universities (in Open Source like PMB, Koha, etc. or Koha or commercial systems like Virtua and others).
The library: its environment and public.  Two activities are programmed : meetings and professional visits with the aim to understand the landscape of libraries and documentation in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (SGLL) and practical exercises on surveys of users (satisfaction surveys, use of libraries (sweeping), quality and perception surveys like LibQUAL+).


The bibliography of this course is mainly constituted of electronic resources; most of them are available in the UCL electronic library or on professional websites.
Library catalog resources are mainly electronic resources.  More details are given on the iCampus site of the course LCLIB2120.
The students will be also invited to work with the printed collections of the BiblioPôle in the UCL library of humanities (UCL/BFLT)

Other information

Notes of the course, agenda, bibliography and other useful information are available on the iCampus Platform of the UCL.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Information and Communication Science and Technology
> Master [120] in History
Faculty or entity
in charge

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