1. Introduction, molecules and crystals, symmetry elements
2. Point groups, chirality
3. Translation, planar groups, lattice, elements of periodic symmetry
4. Space groups, International Tables for Crystallography
5. X-rays, neutrons, principles of diffraction, reciprocal space
6. Structure factor, Fourier synthesis, phase problem
7. Diffraction methods: single crystal and powder diffraction
8. Information obtained by diffraction
9. Solution and refinement of crystal structures
10. Introduction to modern software (Crysalis, Fullprof, Shelx, Fox)
11. Use and presentation of results, interpretation of literature data
12. Introduction to structural chemistry
13. In-situ studies: Chemistry by diffraction
14. "large facilities instruments" - synchrotrons and neutron sources: the great opportunities
15. Character tables, irreducible representations