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Campus littérature [ LCCR1214 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1 + 2q 

This biannual course is taught on years 2014-2015, 2016-2017, ...

Teacher(s) Engel Vincent ; Durante Erica ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources




Main themes
  1. Practices of contemporary writing;
  2. Overview of the key personalities in the literary world (contemporary writers, publishers, editors, translators, press officers, literary agents, literary journalists, etc.);
  3. Overview of the places related to literary distribution (writers workshops, writers exhibitions, literary meetings, festivals and events, book fairs, libraries and other institutions preserving the literary heritage, etc.).

At the end of the course, students are expected to have developed:

  1. A knowledge of the main notions, concepts and key personalities that define the literary world;
  2. A personal appropriation of the practices of literary writing;
  3. A practical experience of the places where literature is written, produced and read (writers workshops, writers exhibitions, literary meetings, festivals and events, book fairs, libraries and other institutions preserving the literary heritage, etc.);
  4. A skill to interact with various personalities involved in publishing and distributing literature (contemporary writers, publishers, editors, translators, press officers, literary agents, literary journalists, book fairs, festivals, exhibitions, etc.);
  5. A comprehension of literature as a work in progress that involves words and reality.
Evaluation methods

The assessment of the 'Campus-Littérature' (CL) involves both on-campus- and off-campus activities.

A.    To complete the on-campus activities part, students are expected to:

  1. Participate in 3 off-campus activities among the proposed ones. Students must prove their participation to the event by providing the CL's instructors with an official proof delivered by the event organizer. In the absence of these proofs, no credits for the off-campus activities will be awarded.

B.    To complete the on-campus activities part, students are expected to:

  1. Attend all CL activities (writing workshops, meeting with the invited writer, at most 4 meetings organized by the professors with external speakers);
  2. Take part in the required on-campus activities. In order to prove his participation, each student will give to the CL's instructors a certificate signed by the external event organizer, that claims student's attendance to the event;
  3. Be open to the writing workshop's activities and produce the workshop's required works. The workshop's evaluation will be especially based on students' active participation in the workshop's activities, as well as on a final paper;
  4. Submit a final report (length: 10 pages at most), written as a literary production (possibly conceived as a short story), that gives an overview of the evolution of both his reflection and writing process during the course.

CL spans over two quadrimesters.
At the end of the first quadrimester students will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Having participated in at least 3 on- or off-campus literary events;
  2. Having attended 2 sessions of the writing workshop.
Teaching methods

Teaching activities:

  • CL' professors are responsible for the organization of all teaching and evaluation activities.
  • The writing workshop will be taught by Vincent Engel, writer and CL instructor.
  • Students can autonomously choose what off-campus activities to attend, as long as they fulfil class requirements.

Class material:
1)    Students are expected to study on their personal notes;
2)    Other class material might be provided by the professors during the CL.


The CL consists of two kinds of activities.

A.    On-campus activities (6H)
For these activities, students are required to be in contact with personalities and institutions of the literary world, outside the classroom, inside and outside the UCL.
During the academic year, students are required to take part in 3 literary events, that he will autonomously choose among the yearly cultural activities. This choice has to be validated by the CL's instructors.
One or more cultural partners will be recommended to students, in order to let them choose literary activities they want to attend as long as they relate with the object of the CL.

B.    On-campus activities (24H)
These on-campus activities aim to extend the off-campus experiences. The student is expected to:

  • Participate to meeting with an internationally renowned writer, invited within the CL to talk about the writing process (genesis, narrative structuring, reading-writing, etc.);
  • Take part into a writing workshop composed of 4 or 5 2 hour classes led during all the academic year by Vincent Engel;
  • Participate to at most 4 meetings organized by the CL's instructors, in Louvain-la-Neuve, with Belgian writers and personalities of the literary market (booksellers, publishers, journalists, distributors, etc.);
  • Participate to 2 literary activities (4H) organized in Louvain-la-Neuve (e.g.: 'Midis Littéraires' or other events as literary meetings, writers' conferences during a Seminar or a Symposium, etc.);
  • Take part into a collective final meeting about the CL outcomes (2H).


Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures
> Bachelor in Information and Communication
> Bachelor in Philosophy
> Bachelor in Pharmacy
> Bachelor in Ancient languages and Literatures : Classics
> Bachelor in Computer Science
> Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English
> Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
> Bachelor in Economics and Management
> Bachelor in Motor skills : General
> Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences
> Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology
> Bachelor in Political Sciences: General
> Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General
> Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies
> Bachelor in Mathematics
> Bachelor in History
> Bachelor in Biomedicine
> Bachelor in Engineering
> Bachelor in religious studies
Faculty or entity
in charge

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