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General physics II [ LBIR1210 ]

9.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h + 60.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Bertrand Bruno ; Bertrand Bruno (compensates Maltoni Fabio) ; Maltoni Fabio ;
Language French
of the course

LPHY1113B  Physique gén I

LPHY1113C  Physique gén 1 (2)

Main themes The first aim is to discover the beauty of the coherent explanation of the variety of electromagnetic manifestations through the Maxwell equations. The demonstration of the electromagnetic nature of light will follow. Modern Physics completes this unification with the special theory of relativity where energy an time is grouped in one four-dimension world, where energy and masse are equal. It follows in a common vision of the quantification of matter and light and of the four fundamental interactions interpreted through a propagator concept for each of them. Nuclear physics resumes the lectures describing the chart of nuclei, the decays, the energy balance in fission and fusion processes, and the numerous applications. This unified view of the physics world should sharpen the student curiosity and improve their skills and critics for the following years, in their study as well as in their professional carrier.

To understand the time dependent electric and magnetic phenomenon. To be able to explain them thanks to the Maxwell equations. To show that the Maxwell equations also describe light as an electromagnetic wave. To compute voltages and currents in electric circuits powered with an alternate power supply. To explain and solve waves problems: interference, standing waves, polarisation, reflection, refraction, and diffraction. To use graphical method and compute mirror and lens problems. To debate and compute space-time properties in the special relativity framework, as well as the concept of mass-energy with the related relations. Be able to explain the quantification of matter. To comment the variety of nuclei, the disintegration modes, and the various applications. To compute nuclear masses, their binding energy and their radioactivity evolution.

Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Bioengineering
> Bachelor in Chemistry
Faculty or entity
in charge

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