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Mémoire - 2ème partie [ LBBMC2998 ]

17.0 crédits ECTS    2q 

Language French
of the course
Aims The Master thesis is a relatively long-term training designed to acquire practical knowledge required for a researcher carrier... Each student will be integrated in the framework of the research activities of a host laboratory conducting their research in the fields of biochemistry and/or molecular biology. Through this hands-on training the student will acquire technical skills as well as in-depth scientific knowledge about a limited but otherwise precise research topic. The goal of the thesis is to develop the student autonomy and sense of initiative in managing a research project, to foster his critical, rigorously scientific awareness and reflections on his/her research data and related scientific literature. By the end of the training, the student should be able to design and conduct appropriate and relevant experiments to address specific scientific questions.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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