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Sociology : inhabiting space [ LBARC1242 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Vanderstraeten Pierre ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes
  1. Introduction to socio-anthropological theories and concepts of inhabiting;
  2. The relationships between the logics of production and appropriation of the inhabited space;
  3. The different scales of inhabiting: domestic territory, urban and rural areas;
  4. The relationships between the inhabited areas and social diversity;
  5. Methodology in human sciences adapted to studied contexts.

At the end of this course, the student must be able to :

  • adopt a relative and critical perspective on our practices of inhabiting;
  • identify issues of suitabilities of the places for the inhabitants;
  • interpret issues of social coexistence in inhabited areas;
  • establish and argue orientation for architectural project based on analysis and methods learned in the course.
Evaluation methods

Individual written exam, open book during the May session

Teaching methods

The "Socio-anthropology of inhabiting" course to be proposed aims to acquire knowledge about the social and cultural practices of the live in built up areas.

This knowledge should allow the architecture students to base their choice in the architectural design work.

A lecture will introduce general questions of the relationships between the practices and inhabited areas. It will then develop through a diachronic perspective in the Western world social relationships, the relationships to space and time maintained formerly and today by populations.

Finally, it will examine in more details the methods of appropriation of urban and domestic territories. An observation exercise on behaviours in public space will close the course and will be an opportunity to test methods of the human sciences which could be used by the architect.

Insofar as inhabiting is the central theme of the second quadrimester of the course architecture in Bac 2, links can be usefully drawn between these course and the course LBARC1241 " Architecture, city and territory : morphologies".


Supports : syllabus, lecture notes, sketches table, slides, ...

Cycle et année
> Bachelor in architecture (Bruxelles)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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