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Architecture, town and territory I [ LBARC1241 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Vanderstraeten Pierre ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes
  1. Morphological study of the material elements which constitute the built-up areas at the different scales : typology of the buildings and the urban fabrics, networks, public spaces, natural sites.
  2. Study of the forms of evolution and mutation of the built-up areas constituents.
  3. Introduction to theoretical references

At the end of this course, the student must be able to :

  • Describe and analyze the morphological characteristics of cities, towns and villages and to understand their implications in inhabiting (household, common, public, etc.)
  • Recognize and understand the changes and morphological mutations of built settlements.
  • Know and critically reflect about some major theoretical frameworks.
Evaluation methods

Individual written exam, open book durng the January session

Teaching methods

The course of 'Architecture, city and territory: morphologies' introduces this area of ''knowledge in the curriculum of training students in architecture.

The teaching of reading and understanding the morphology of built-up areas will be made on the basis of a lecture that will examine the growing of cities and villages of the western world by going from general to specific.

Starting with an exploration of spatial structures and then exposing an analysis of the relationship between these structures and the different built and non built configurations, the development of the course will aim to highlight the unifying role of public space through history of our European urban civilization.

Insofar as learning to read a practice site will be developed in the course of architecture, links can be usefully drawn between thIs course and the course LBARC1242 "Socio-anthropology of inhabiting".


Supports : syllabus, lecture notes, sketches tables, slides, ...

Cycle et année
> Bachelor in architecture (Bruxelles)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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