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Spatial geometry I [ LBARC1120 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h + 15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Delcommune Thierry ; Malevez Jerome ;
Language French
of the course
Evaluation methods

Students will sit a written examination on the material pertaining to Monge in the January session, at the end of the quadrimester.

The evaluation of the material on axonometry will be based on a graded exercise that will be handed in upon completion of the practical assignments.

Teaching methods

Theoretical notions will be presented and then explored in increasing depth by resolving problems that arise in the course of pratical assignments.

The students assumilate the general notions in order to constitute a synthetic vision of the material. They will be called on in class in order to encourage active learning. Then, students test their knowledge by attempting to finf essentially graphic solutions to problems that arise in the course of pratical assignments. Students will constantly have occasion for self-evaluation, particularly through the publication on iCampusof their solutions to assigned exercices.



  1. Enumeration and description of the different modes of graphic representation using projections, and... of the peculiarities of Monge's method
  2. Definition of the vocabulary necessary for understanding Monge's theory
  3. Drawing of a triangular and presentation of the mode of projection
  4. Representation and manipulation of straight in space
  5. Finding the true length of a line segment by the techniques of rabattement and rotation
  6. Peculiarities of secant, parallel and perpendicumar lines.


  1. Evaluation of the different kinds of axonometry and of their peculiarities
  2. Enumeration of the modes of projection
  • Guion A. Cours de géométrie Descriptive : Tome 2, Méthode des plans cotés. Bruxelles : édition De Boeck, 1969
  • De Sloovere H. Cours de géométrie Descriptive : Méthode de Monge. Bruxelles : édition De Boeck, 1991
  • Jungman J.-P. Ombres et lumières : un manuel de tracé et de rendu.  Paris : édition de la Vilette, 1995
  • Aubert J. Cours de dessin d'architecture à partir de la géomatrie descriptive. Paris  : édition de la Vilette, 1980
  • De Herde A., Gracia E. et Le Paige M. Guide d'aide à la conception bioclimatique. Louvain-la-Neuve : Ed. C.R.A., Architecture et Climat, 1986
  • Carlo Argan, Carlo Perspective et histoire au Quattrocento. Chantillon-sous-Bagneux : édition de la Passion, 1990
  • Durant J.-P. La représentation du projet : Approche pratique et critique. Paris : édition de la Vilette, 2003
  • Savignat J.-M. Dessin et architecture du Moyen-âge au XVIIIème siècle. Paris : Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1980
  • Ludi Jean-Claude La perspective pas à pas : Manuel de construction graphique de l'espace et tracé des ombres. Paris : Dunod, 2009 (3ème édition)
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in architecture (Bruxelles)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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