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English communication skills [ LANGL2432 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Loosen Brigitte ; Toubeau Anne-Julie ;
Language English
of the course
Online resources

> https://moodleucl.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=1734


The student should have followed a course corresponding to the B1 level of the "Common European Framework " (Council of Europe) or equivalent.

Main themes

The student will be asked to engage in extended conversation activities and to develop his (mainly oral) communication skills and his accuracy in such situations as socializing, travelling abroad, taking part in / chairing a meeting, negotiating, building up an argument, exchanging information, telephoning, applying for a job (including writing a motivation letter and a CV), making an oral presentation.


The main objective of the course is the development of skills that will enable the students in the communication business (public relations, journalism') to function in the daily situations of their future professional activities.

By the end of the course (at the end of BAC 3), the student should have reached the B2 level of the "Common European Framework " (Council of Europe) for the following skills :

  1. reading comprehension
  2. listening comprehension
  3. oral expression
  4. written expression
Evaluation methods

Students are assessed:

  1. in class (preparation and participation in the various activities and more particularly when giving a talk / presentation)
  2. at the collective (participating in a meeting) and individual oral exam (job interview)
Teaching methods

Before each class activity, the teacher places a range of tools (communication techniques, useful expressions, general and specialised vocabulary, grammatical reminders) and resources (written documents, audiovisual aids, web sites ) at the students' disposal. Most of them are mentioned in the syllabus and enable the students to interact in communication situations in so far as they have been prepared beforehand. Feedback activities are also planned. Students are given detailed instructions before each activity. Texts and videos are used as inputs to the oral discussion.


The course aims at developing the communication techniques appropriate to professional life in human resources / labour science as well as improving command of the language.

  • Course notes (available at ILV)
  • Self-tuition material (Moodle platform)
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Labour sciences (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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