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Comprendre l'adolescent en situation scolaire [ LAGRE2020C ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  22.5 h   1 ou 2q 

Teacher(s) Steyns Pascale (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes " To understand the adolescent in school situation, to manage the interpersonal relationship and to animate the class group" Main themes o School : an institution, a place to live, analysis of a complex situation. o The adolescence : cultural phenomenon and psychic process. o The adolescent faced with school : expectations, attitudes and representation. o The stakes in the relationship teacher-student: how to place oneself in the relation teacher-student? How to reconcile both roles of educating and teaching? o The connection of the adolescent with school authority: how to set up a true authority? o Demotivation and violence in secondary schools : fantasy or reality? o School and mental health : depression, drug addiction, deviant practises,Š Methods o A particular care will be given to the coherence between the teaching methods used in the lecture and the concepts and tools which are developed. o Active procedures : learning by resolving problems, analysis of material, tools and practical cases (some may be presented by witnesses or videograms), discussion or debates. o In subgroup working time the active methodology (pratical exercises, situation scenario) will try to introduce the conceptual contributions starting from the students experience in the school field and through interpersonal and group relationships experienced during the seminar. Models meant to understand interpersonal and group situations will be introduced by the use of analysis grids developed through psycho-sociological approaches of communication (systemic, transactional, behavioural analysis)
Aims The lecture will be organised in complementary parts. In a first part the future teachers will be brought to get used with concepts and intervention tools in order to analyse and to build a relevant teacher-student relationship in the specific cultural context of today which is the obligation to provide an education for adolescents. In the second part the future teachers will be brought to work in subgroups 1.To question and to understand the components of interpersonal relation and the group functioning in the context of teaching and training 2.To prepare and to carry out some devices liable to favour the relations inside the class and to manage eventual dysfunctioning. 3.To teach how to deal with critical situations (conflicts, passivity, violence) to which a teacher could be confronted.
Content Summary The first part of the activity will cover three themes : 1. What is meant by adolescent and adolescence ? The affective, cognitive, social and psychomotor aspects will be dealt with as analysed by specialists as specific of adolescence. 2. School and adolescence : How does the school as it is, welcome the adolescent ? Differences and/or similarities between the students demand and/or expectations and the offer of the school. 3.The teacher and the adolescent or how do teachers and students contact each other /establish contact. The meeting and the management of two fields of values will be dealt with the one of the adolescent and the teacher's one. The second part of the activity (subgroups work) will cover 3 experience fields : - to know oneself letter in order to communicate in a better way. - to manage the interpersonal relationship (listening, cooperation/coordination, confrontation,…) between the actors. - To manage the group efficiently, to take up one's authority.
Other information Further information elements : evaluation, prerequisite, evaluation procedures, support…. Before starting the activity it is important for the student to have made observations in class and in the school institution. If possible he/she will have started a first training in teaching. A portfolio will include source documents related to the main themes of the course, it will be completed by documents about communication and self knowledge tools supplied by the leaders of the subgroups. Evaluation The level of command of the objectives of the activity will be evaluated on the basis of a written test and a personal task of synthesis in which the student's ability to describe and to analyse relevant intervention methods in the teacher-student relationship is shown The method implies on the other hand a formative evaluation of the student involved in this way of working during the subgroups work. It also implies an active participation to the subgroup (regular attendance, involvement, written task showing the student has appropriated the tools. Further elements of the specifications : supervision, means…. The first part will be presented under the form of lectures repeated three times (first and second quarter) and will be managed by a team of teachers. The second part will be organised as seminars with groups of 20 students managed by a team of trainers : groups will be organised during the first and second quarter. The student may choose to start whatever part lecture or seminar (in one or two quarters) as far as he/she takes both parts of the activity during the same academic year. To take the exam he/she must have had the two parts of the activity.
Cycle et année
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Psychology and Education
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physical Education
> Master [120] in Motor Skills: Physical Education
Faculty or entity
in charge

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