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Etudes de marché [ MGEHC2132 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Friedman Michael ;
Language French
of the course
  • GEHD1316 ' Strategic and Operational Marketing
  • QAHD1325 ' Management mathematics
  • QAHD1327 ' Statistical methods in management
Main themes

''Basic methods for obtaining primary data.

The survey

' execution stages

' types of questionnaires according to the structure and the concealed nature.

The observation

Sampling market segments: non-random versus probability.

''Secondary data: sources and exploitation.

''Data analysis in marketing.


On completion of this course, students must be familiar with the stages of market research, from the formulation of the problem to the presentation and interpretation of results, through the definition of the population, sample selection, the choice of the data collection method, the actual data collection, data analysis and the final report.

Evaluation methods
  • Written examination
  • Evaluation of cases.
Teaching methods
  • Lectures
  • Case studies
  • Professional feedback
  • IACOBUCCI D., CHURCHILL G.A. (2004), Marketing Research, 9th ed., South'Western.
  • EVRARD Y., PRAS B., ROUX E. (2003) Market :Etudes et Recherches en Marketing, 3rd ed., Dunod.
Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Management (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Management (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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