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Social politics [ LTRAV2040 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Pochet Philippe ; Reman Pierre ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

The course wil be composed of two big parts of 15 hours each :

  • The first part will be dedicated to the presentation of the main objectives of the social security policies. A grid of analysis will be elaborated in order to give an overview of the mechanisms implemented in the policies that touch the mode of financing at a time and to the mode of distribution of the benefits
  • The second part will be organized as conferences and shops in which of the representatives of the main economic, social actors and the administration will present their diagnoses, analyses and propositions on questions that concern the politics of the social security (reform of the fashion of financing, resort to the selectivity, privatization, creation of an insurance dependence, accompaniment of claimants d 'use etc.)
  • To understand the structuring of the Belgian social security and her foundations
  • To acquire the capacity to analyze the main devices structuring the policies of social security, their consistency and their dynamics
  • To articulate the policies of social security and other public policies (fiscal politics, politics of redistribution of incomes, politics of employement
  • To emphasize the position of the main actors of the politics of employement (government, social interlocutors)

 - Introduction
- The concept of collective labor relations
- the institutional architecture of relations in a historical perspective
- Freedom of association: the repression to the (history of law)
- Freedom of Association in the international instruments (United Nations, ILO, Council of Europe)
- The collective action and collective
- Corporate Boards: instittution, skills European works councils
- Delegation of Association - Committee on the Prevention and Protection -
- Restructuring and Industrial Relations - The protection of workers' representatives / delegates
- The legal status of unions: a debate of 125 years
- Speech on Corporate Social Responsibility, the end of collective
- The Rules of Work
- Dialogue Social Community
- Relations bipartite and tripartite national

Other information

This course forms part of a study programme that takes place in the evenings and on Saturday morning.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Sociology
> Master [120] in Labour sciences (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Ethics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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