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Research seminar : Old Testament exegesis [ LTHEO2911 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Luciani Didier ; Wénin André ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes In order to achieve this end, the students will - study some texts selected in the Old Testament in accordance with a methodological problem or a thematic question; - learn to practice, individually and collectively, an accurate exegetical method; - use in that work the specialised exegetical tools.

At the end of this seminar, the student will be able to - master the main procedures of biblical exegesis and apply them in studying a text from the Old Testament; - use specialised exegetical tools (bibliographical works, manual and electronic concordances, encyclopaedic and theological dictionaries); - communicate clearly and highlight the results of his/her research.



'The Art of repetition in the Old Testament narratives'

Teacher: this year the seminar will be hold by Prof. A. Wénin.

Theme: this seminar will extend the work made the course LTHEO2211 (1st quadr.; see the specifications of this course). The phenomenon of the repetition in biblical narratives will be investigated in other pages of the narrative literature of the Old Testament which will be proposed to the students. Starting from the contribution of their studies, we shall try to widen the field of observation and to refine the theoretical approach.

Selection of the texts: the participants in the seminar will propose themselves one passage which they study within the framework of their mémoire or of their thesis, with the preliminary agreement of the professor. The proposals are to be sent by e-mail to the latter at the latest 15 days before the first session of the seminar, that is January 17th, 2014. If a student does not make his/her mémoire in exegesis, (s)he will propose a text which (s)he would be interested to work.

Procedure: Every participant will prepare particularly the episode which he proposed for introducing the work of a session. His/her presentation (maximum 30 minutes) will give some clues which (s)he considers useful for the study of the episode. All the students will have prepared the text, if possible by reading it in the original text. At the end of the seminar, every participant will draft a personal synthesis of his/her session (35.000 signs maximum)

Other information

The evaluation will take into account the presentation of the introduction, the participation activates in the group work and the personal synthesis

Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Theology
> Master [120] in Biblical Studies
> Master [120] in Theology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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