Means of expression and representation I [ LTARC1122 ]
4.0 crédits ECTS
90.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Godyns Jan ;
Mory Agnes ;
Noirhomme Barbara ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Aims |
Evaluation methods |
Activities sahll be suject to continous evaluation. Evaluation criteria are established by the teachers and known to the student at the beginning of the exercice.
The year is divided into as many class periods as themes. Each theme sahll be assessed by a referent teacher.
A more important coefficient is given to the summing-uo exercice, namely the traveling book initiation.
Teaching methods |
Exercices prioritize creative research without preliminary lecture.
They move back and forth between spatial experiment (reality) and drawing (observation, projetation).
Starting with a collective work, the place in take place in three places and give to an individual work :
- Observation of the real and manipulation
- Analysis of results and theorisation
- Re-experimentation and theory-testing
Content |
Experiemnt, analysis, understanding, representation, interpretation of observed and/or throuwn space will be spreaking to the class.
At the same time, the course will allow to test various means and tools of graphic and plastic expression.
Bibliography |
Jungman Jean-Paul, Ombres et lumières, édition de la Vilette, Paris, 1995.
Donnadieu Brigitte, L'apprentissage du regard, Leçons d'architecture de Dominique Spinetta, éditions de la Vilette, Paris, 2002.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Bachelor in Architecture (Tournai)
Faculty or entity in charge |
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