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Foreign Policy Analysis [ LSPRI2080 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Struye de Swielande Tanguy ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes

The course examines (a) The history and evolution of foreign policy theories; (b) Foreign policy decision-taking: politico-administrative processes, relations between foreign policy and internal affairs, influence of interest groups, different schools ; (c) The dimensions of foreign policy : strategic-diplomatic dimension, external trade relations, external cultural relations, ethical aspects ; (d) The different conceptions of power and the notion of Small, medium and Great ; (e) The analysis model likely to apply to the foreign policies of those " power Nations ".


At the end of this course, the student will - Have increased his analysis and critical thinking skills in the field of foreign policy, in general ; - Through the analysis of case studies o (a) He/she will master the elaboration and execution process of a foreign policy (taking into ac-count several factors of influence) ; o (b) He/she will have a good knowledge of the content and institutional mechanisms of the foreign policy of different states.


The course analyses the decision-making process in international affairs. The first part will study the numerous actors (state and non-state actors, subnational, transnational, supranational) that participate in the foreign policy of a state. The second part will examine the decision-making process itself. This central part of the course will look, based on multiple theories at the rational model and its biases (cognition, bureaucracy, culture, groupthink, polythink, idiosyncrasies, heuristic and so on). The final part the course will study the characteristics of small, middle and great powers. The course is illustrated by numerous examples as Russia, United States, France, United Kingdom,'


Cl. Roosens, V. Rosoux et T. de Wilde, La politique étrangère. Le modèle classique à l'épreuve, Peter Lang, 2004 ;

Tanguy Struye de Swielande, La politique étrangère de l'Administration Bush, analyse de la prise de décision (2001-2005),Coll. CECRI,P.IE.- Peter-Lang, Bruxelles (2007). (304 p.)

Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Political Sciences: General
> Advanced Master in International Law
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations
Faculty or entity
in charge

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