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Space, settlement and resources [ LSPED2010 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Eggerickx Thierry ; Verhaegen Etienne ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The concept of " space " is generally linked to an area or territory and it refers to the transformation that the later may have undergone throughout human planning. The concept of " settlement " is linked to the way a population is settled in an area, a given space, and the way this popula-tion may evolve. Moreover, in a dynamic perspective, " settlement " is also concerned by migration process that affects the way population is geographically spread out. The last concept of " resources " conveys ideas of potentialities from an inhabited physical space and from where some actors try to take advantages of these resources through different socio-economic practices. Here there are some transversal themes that will be studied in integrating together the three concepts: - Space- Settlement-Resources : theoretical approaches - The main periods in the world populating history - The Proto-industrialization - countryside crises - rural depopulation - industrialization process within European and extra-European contexts - The periurbanization: explanatory factors and consequences in terms of social, economic and environmental impacts. - Urbanization-megalopolization in countries from the South: large urban areas dynamic, the way some cities can be densely occupied by the poor social class activities, socio-economic networks between countryside and cities. - Definition and boundaries of a sustainable development for cities from the North as well as from the South.
Aims This course is intended to analyse how space, settlement and resources are together integrated through theoreti-cal frames and historical approaches. Both spatial and time dimensions will be considered as the main scale for analysis. From one hand, we plan to take in account long term period in a North-south comparative perspective; from a second hand, we plan to study more particularly relations that exist between cities and countryside, and more globally between urban and rural worlds.
Other information Oral examination based on an individual work A course text and a portfolio of readings or articles
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Environmental Science and Management
> Master [120] in Population and Development Studies
> Master [120] in Anthropology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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