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French for specific purposes [ LROM2463 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  22.5 h   2q 

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Scheepers Caroline ;
Language French
of the course

Linguistic notions (lexicology, speech analysis....).

Initiation to didactics to teach French as foreign language.

Main themes

I. First part (linguistic)

- problematic of language types for a specific purpose;

- semiotic systems to be found in the specific texts/speeches ;

- typologies of speech/text types for a specific purpose;

- lexical particularities of the important scopes of specific purposes.

- discursive particularities of the scientific and technical texts / texts of the business and juridical world ;

II. Second part : didactic

- teaching history of language types for a specific purpose.

- analysis of the needs and situation of teaching specific French ;

- pedagogical and methodological tools ;

- reading strategies ;

- exploitation of documents of languages types for a specific purpose.

- intercultural approach of the companies and business world.


At the end of the course, the student should be able to :

- classify the language style linked to a specific sector according to the semiotic systems used ;

- distinguish the great types of specific speeches according to the communication purpose ;

- spot the linguistic specificities of the important specific speeches ;

- analyse a situation of teaching of French as foreign language to set the objectives to be reached in French for specific purposes;

- implement a reading methodology of texts for specific purpose for poeple whose mothertongue is not French ;

- make a didactic outline for a given public (French as foreign language), in a given sector (scientific, commercial or medical) ;

- build a didactic exploitation (with different types of exercises) of a authentic specific speeches text.

Evaluation methods

Presentations realized in class during the course (a quarter of the final note): presentation of a domain of speciality

Written examination (half of the final note): implementation of the skills of discursive analysis and the didactic exploitation of a document of French of speciality.

Oral examination (a quarter of the final note): check of the knowledge of the other aspects of the course.

Teaching methods

The course associates masterful presentations and presentations prepared by the students.


1) Description of aspects of specific speeches/texts (scientific, technical, commercial,...) and analysis of documents illustrating the different aspects of languages types for a specific purpose. The purpose will be to retrieve the specific language elements and the discursive mechanisms : lexical and syntactic elements, enunciative systems, pragmatic functions, intertextuality,...

2) Didactic approach of French types for a specific purpose: creation of teaching sequences (exploiting authentic documents, making progress, assessing the level and center of interests of the people learning the language) and perfecting the strategies to boost the professional communication (written and oral). Courses alternated with student activities (presentations, exercises,....reading documents).


Catherine CARRAS, Jacqueline TOLAS, Patricia KOHLER, Elisabeth SZILAGVI, Le français sur objectifs spécifiques et la classe de langue, Paris, Clé international, 2007.
Jean-Pierre CUQ (dir.), Dictionnaire de didactique du français, Paris, Clé international, 2003.
Jean-Pierre CUQ et Isabelle GRUCA, Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde, Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2005.
Jean-Marc DEFAYS, Le français langue étrangère et seconde. Enseignement et apprentissage, Sprimont, Mardaga, 2003.
Jean-Marc MANGIANTE et Chantal PARPETTE, Le français sur objectifs spécifiques : de l'analyse des besoins à l'élaboration d'un cours, Paris, Hachette, 2004.
Jean-Pierre ROBERT, Dictionnaire pratique de didactique du FLE, Paris, Ophrys, 2008.
Francine THYRION et Jean BINON, Le français sur objectifs spécifiques, in Le langage et l'homme, XXXXII.1, 2007.

Other information


Cycle et année
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Second Language
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in Linguistics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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