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Internships coaching and integration seminar [ LPSP2323 ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h  

Teacher(s) Ghysselinckx Anne ; Dejemeppe Xavier ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Students will take part in five 3-hour sessions in small groups, preferably during their second or third period of teaching practice: A/ two consecutive sessions on the analysis of critical events (students analyse in detail a situation they have experienced during teaching practice) B/ three independent theme-based workshops (3 hours each) on chosen topics (e.g. managing the unexpected, intercultural work, the teaching profession, supervising students in training (in education to gain qualifications), choosing a vocational project and drawing up a curriculum vitae) The "project" is a 6 hour training period in line with the vocational project selected by students. The report on this seminar includes consideration of the contributions made during this training period.
Aims The teacher training support seminar is a specially designed interface which enables students to - examine their own teaching practice ; - consider their respective experiences and adopt a critical stance towards their observations and achievements in the field of education as well as their experience as a teacher ; - to use conceptual reference frameworks and sets of criteria for analysis to view their teaching practice, in all its complexity, in a new light and improve efficiency ; - to learn methods designed to analyse experience from educational situations so they can make use of them in future ; - to be aware of their own professional development throughout the programme. These objectives are in line with competences 1 and 13 of the official standards.
Content The teacher training support seminar is a specially designed interface which enables students to - examine their own teaching practice ; - consider their respective experiences and adopt a critical stance towards their observations and achievements in the field of education as well as their experience as a teacher ; - to use conceptual reference frameworks and sets of criteria for analysis to view their teaching practice, in all its complexity, in a new light and improve efficiency ; - to learn methods designed to analyse experience from educational situations so they can make use of them in future ; - to be aware of their own professional development throughout the programme. These objectives are in line with competences 1 and 13 of the official standards. Students will take part in five 3-hour sessions in small groups, preferably during their second or third period of teaching practice: A/ two consecutive sessions on the analysis of critical events (students analyse in detail a situation they have experienced during teaching practice) B/ three independent theme-based workshops (3 hours each) on chosen topics (e.g. managing the unexpected, intercultural work, the teaching profession, supervising students in training (in education to gain qualifications), choosing a vocational project and drawing up a curriculum vitae) The "project" is a 6 hour training period in line with the vocational project selected by students. The report on this seminar includes consideration of the contributions made during this training period.
Other information In order to take part in the working groups for the seminar, students are required to have completed their first period of teaching practice and preferably to have started their second or third. To gain the 2 credits for this training unit, students are required to play an active part in all the activities (15 hours of seminar, 6 hours of project training) and to produce a report in which they analyse (1) their progress through the training period and (2) a critical event. They are encouraged to create links with the material covered in training. Attendance at five sessions is recorded by the seminar supervisors in the official register.
Cycle et année
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Psychology and Education
Faculty or entity
in charge

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