Statistical physics and Thermodynamics I [ LPHY1251 ]
4.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h + 22.5 h
Teacher(s) |
Goosse Hugues ;
Nauts André ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
Thermodynamic state of a closed system, notions of pressure and temperature.
Macroscopic properties of perfect gases.
Internal energy and first principle of thermodynamics ; applications to perfect gases.
Entropy and second principle of thermodynamics, applications (including to thermal machines). Microscopic formulas of entropy (of Boltzmann).
Thermodynamic functions and thermodynamic potential. Corresponding microscopic formulas. Equilibrium conditions.
Real gas and phase change of pure bodies.
Formalism of equilibrium : micro-canonic and canonic distribution.
Aims |
To allow the student to acquire a good knowledge of the main ideas of thermodynamics and to be able to apply these ideas to problems or practical applications.
Other information |
Prerequisite : Mathematical analysis and general physics of BAC1.
Reference books:
Bertin, M., J.P. Faroux et J. Renault, Thermodynamique, Cours de physique, Classes préparatoires, 1er cycle universitaire, Dunod Université, 1982, 344 pp.
Coulon C., Le Boiteux S., Segonds P., Thermodynamique, Cours de Physique, (DEUG-Sciences) Dunod, Paris, 1997, 272 p.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Bachelor in Physics
> Bachelor in Geography : General
> Bachelor in Economics and Management
> Bachelor in Mathematics
> Bachelor in Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
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