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The marks allocated to the thesis cover all the student's tasks: attending the thesis supervisory seminar, written work and the viva. The assessment of written work accounts for at least three quarters of the final mark for the thesis. The mark allocated to the thesis is based on 20 points but represents 25 per cent of the points for the Master 2 examination. The possibility may be left to two students (maximum) to carry out all their thesis work together on the same subject. Each of these students will in this case be entitled to request an individual mark but it will rest with the students to split their written work into two individual parts. The two students will inform their sponsor if they accept a joint mark. The thesis will be assessed based on its scientific content and not on the opinions or beliefs that the student expresses in it. The assessment criteria relate in particular to the: - understanding of the concepts and the accuracy of arguments; - analysis and summary of a situation or problem; - clarity of the outline of the rules applying to this situation or problem; - adequacy of decisions taken at each phase of completing the thesis; - capacity to compare all observations and criticism offered by the sponsor and the other students in order to improve the work; - quality of the viva; - quality of the text in the thesis, which includes respect for the various formal demands (quotations, references, etc.); - originality of the subject; - mastery of the lege lata and ability to hold a discussion on the lege ferenda, etc. The student who has missed the June session in Master 2 will retain the mark received for the thesis in the June session for the September session. He may only be re-enrolled for the thesis in the September session if he received a mark below 10/20 for his thesis during the June session. In this case, his/her sponsor will stipulate the exact content of the additional written work that the student will be required to complete. The mark allocated to the September session will take account both of the previous oral and written work and the additional written work. If need be, the sponsor may decide to listen to the student as regards this additional written work.