Interactive economic Dutch - higher intermediate level [ LNEER1532 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
60.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Verhaert Marianne (coordinator) ;
Neven An ;
Van Reet Marie (compensates Neven An) ;
Dachy Valérie ;
Bosmans Hilde ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Online resources |
Prerequisites |
The previous intermediate course NEER 1332 of Bac 2 or equivalent level.
Main themes |
The course treats subjects about themes that are related to the study programme and the future professional needs of the student, e.g:
Business communication techniques (meetings, negotiations, debates, telephone conversations, memoranda, the professional presentation, applying for a job)
Marketing and PR, general management,
Personnel Management,
Training, logistics,
Aims |
Reading Comprehension
Being able to read and understand in a detailed way rather lengthy and complicated business texts and articles that are related to the study area.
Being able to understand all types of business correspondence (if needed with the help of a dictionary)
Level C1- of «The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages».
Listening Comprehension :
Being able to follow and understand in a detailed way most of the news broadcasts and business related radio and television broadcast.
Being able to understand discussion and debates concerning business topics.
Being able to follow and understand in a detailed way a presentation or conference related to the study area.
Interactive :
Detailed comprehension of what is said and meant in a normal conversation in the Strandard Language.
Level B2 of «The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages».
Speaking skills :
being able to hold a clearly structured presentation or description including the important details concerning topics related to the area of study.
Interactive :
being able to spontaneously communicate orally with a decent degree of grammatical correctness
being able to express detailed ideas and points of view and reacting to the interventions of the other speakers .
Level B2 of «The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages».
Writing skills:
being able to write a memorandum with summary of information gathered from an audio or videofragment or text and express your personal point of view.
being able to write a business letter of other written form of business communication.
Level B2- of «The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages».
Enhance and develop the vocabulary range related to the area of study as well as the grammatical correctness in communicating. The use of the language code is treated in respect to the communicative ability without ignoring the need for a certain degree of correctness.
Enhancing the knowledge and appreciation of the Flemish and Dutch culture, enhance the ability to appreciate the values transmitted by this culture.
Evaluation methods |
Permanent evaluation - Oral & written tests
Teaching methods |
See Content...
Content |
The course focuses mainly on oral production about themes related to the area of study. Video and audio fragments are used to illustrated the themes. Each theme will be followed by discussions or role plays giving the student the possibility to use the newly acquired vocabulary and structures.
Business communication techniques (meetings, negotiations, debates, business communication on the phone and presentations) will be part of the exercises. Students will give presentations about economical subjects. They will also write a memorandum with personal comments and a business letter which will be corrected by the teacher.
Bibliography |
Syllabus LNEER 1532
Other information |
The course is divided in three parts:
Part 1 consists of the vocabulary of the first and second semester as well as the memorandum based on a video fragment.
Part 2 consists of business communication, the presentation of a text and the presentation of a company.
Part 3 consists of the oral test in which the student shows he has thoroughly integrated the business vocabulary as well as the content treated in the course.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Bachelor in Business Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
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