Venture creation financement & management II [ LMPME1302 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Vanzeveren Paul ;
Giacomin Olivier ;
Place of the course
Designed fortheminor "Entrepreneurship",this courserequires noprerequisites
Main themes
Importance of SMEs
The financing of an entrepreneurial project
The "venture capital" as a funding source
Obtaining the necessary funds for its project
The importance of the Business Plan in the financing of its project
Introduction to Strategic and operational marketing for SMEs
Introduction to Human organization for SMEs
Business ethics and SMEs
Communication of its project
The failure in the SME
At the endof thisclass, studentswill beable
to identify themanagerialneedsofSMEs
identifyuseful resourcesto launch andmanage an entrepreneurial project.
to "readandunderstand"the newsof Belgian SME
to position themselves in relationto thiscareer path and its requiredskillsin management
Evaluation methods
Threesources of evaluationinvolved inthe final grade.
Group workin interdisciplinary teams
Individual examination(written or oraldepending onenrollment)
Teaching methods
This course will be provided bytwoholders: one is specialized inaccounting and financial managementofSMEs and the second ingeneralquestionsofcreation and management ofSMEs.
The themeswill belectures, seminarsandtestimoniesandworksof"case studies"to achieve ininterdisciplinary teams.
This course is spread overtwo yearsin the minorof Entrepreneurship(toguether with LCPME2000 course - Financing and managing its project I). In addition totheoretical lectures,theanchorof this coursein the newsof SMEsand their resourceswill betestimonials andcase studies.
Other information
The specificationsof this course isidentical to thecurrentLMPME1301-financeandmanage the projectII. The numberof hourswas splitin order to updateandmake it moreassimilated bystudents.The distribution oftopicsover the two yearswill be specifiedby the holdersof thesetwo courses.
This courseis a prerequisitefor studentsCPMEwith noprerequisitein management and finance.