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Internal combustion engines. [ LMECA2220 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Jeanmart Hervé ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources

> https://icampus.uclouvain.be/claroline/course/index.php?cid=MECA220


Knowledge in applied thermodynamics and combustion, as well as kinematics and dynamics of machines.

Main themes

Components analysis, thermodynamics and general mechanics, energetic study, basic gauging, calculation of performances and diagnostic principles. Use of fuels and analysis of their combustion in engines: physicochemical, technological, energetic and environmental aspects


Provide an analytical description of the functioning of internal combustion engines, as well as the principles of the evaluation of their performances and their basic gauging. Develop the capacity to integrate the various branches of mechanics allowing to structure the description of internal combustion engines, to master its conceptual aspects and to model its behaviour.


The course is composed of two parts:

1. Components analysis, thermodynamics and general mechanics:

- main kinematics chain and functional auxiliaries
- thermodynamics cycles, parietal effects, energy fluxes
- breathing: operation modes, suction and supercharging
- frictions, general architecture, main dimensions.

2. Use of fuels:

- combustibility properties and studies of combustion modes
- study of abnormalities and optimisation of combustion laws
- supercharging technology and control of polluting emissions.

The first part of the presentation gives the necessary bases for the calculations carried out during tutorials under the form of exercises or case studies.

The tutorials integrate in parallel the technological aspects of the second part of the course.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering
> Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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