Advanced civil liability [ LIURE2203 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Dubuisson Bernard ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
As a follow-up to the course of obligation law taught in the second year of the baccalaureate, the course examines particular issues uncovered by the general course of obligation law, such as medical liability, officers and director's liability, company's liability as well as liability of lawyers, notary, bailiffs and sportsman.
The themes selected may vary from one year to the next.
The course will apply itself to highlighting the specificities of a given liability scheme as applied to these different types of activities.
Aims |
The Advanced Civil Liability course completes the training of the students who opted for the finality "Civil and Criminal Justice". It follows up the course of obligation law taught in the second year of the baccalaureate.
It aims to enable the students to understand and master the rules that govern both contractual and extra-contractual civil liability as applied to particular activities and to grasp the specificity thereof.
By the end of the class, the students must be able to:
-define and explain the conditions to which the compensation for damages is subjected when this damage occurs while carrying on particular economic activities (enterprises, the professions) or results from an act carried out in the public interest (authorities,
- appreciate the characteristics of the liability scheme when it is applied to these activities and understand the consequences and issues at stake.
This course is a part of a consistent finality. The professors of the finality form a teaching team: they confer with each other on the contents and methods of each class in order to ensure the complementarity of the classes.
As far as possible and subject to the number of enrolled students, the course relies on participative educational methods. The professor illustrates his course with cases and expects the students to use the knowledge they acquired to work out the cases (concrete set of facts).
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Law
Faculty or entity in charge |
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