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Machine learning seminar [ LINGI2379 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Verleysen Michel ; Dupont Pierre (coordinator) ;
Language English
of the course
Online resources

> https://icampus.uclouvain.be/claroline/course/index.php?cid=lingi2379


having passed at least one of the following courses:

  • INGI2262 Machine Learning
  • ELEC2870 Artificial neural networks
  • SINF2275 Data mining and decision making
Main themes

Themes are chosen in the domain of machine learning

  • To study in groups current issues in machine learning, pattern recognition or data analysis
  • To summarize a technical or scientific paper of the domain, convey it to colleagues, and discuss it with a critical viewpoint
Evaluation methods

The evaluation focuses on the quality of the presentations made ''by each student in front of to other participants in the seminar.
The overall grade consists of:
- 50% on the educational quality of the presentation
- 50% on the accuracy of the scientific content of the presentation

In the second session, the evaluation is 100% on a written report to the teacher the first day of the examination session.

Teaching methods

The course is organised as a seminar where student meet regularly to present and discuss recent scientific papers.

Les séminaires pourront être présentés en anglais ou en français par les étudiants.


Illustrative examples:

  • Semi-supervised learning methods
  • Structured data mining (graphs, trees, sequences, etc.)
  • Kernel methods for classification and regression
  • Variable selection methods
  • Hidden Markov models and their applications
  • Boosting and bagging algorithms
  • Automata induction techniques

Scientific articles in Machine Learning, supplemented by one or the other textbooks depending on the choice of students's topics.


  • Statistics for High-Dimensional Data: Methods, Theory and Applications, Bühlmann and van Geer, Springer, 2011.
  • Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction, Lee and Verleysen, Springer, 2007.
  • Computational Methods of Feture Selection, Liu and Motoda, Chapman & Hall / CRC, 2008.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Computer Science and Engineering
> Master [120] in Computer Science
Faculty or entity
in charge

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