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French - Treshold level (B1) - Understand Belgium [ LFRAN1301 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1+2q 

Teacher(s) Hermant Vincianne (compensates Briet Geneviève) ; Masuy Françoise ; Rasson Marie ; Briet Geneviève (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Online resources



To master  lower intermediate  skills (level A2) as described in  the common European Framework of reference of the Council of Europe during an  placement test.

Main themes
  • Daily life and  Belgian lifestyle (concerning  leisure, gastronomy,  cartoon'),
  • the feelings and the art in Belgium,
  • the character and the food of the Belgians,
  • the Belgian political system through the media,
  • the North Sea and natural phenomena.  


  • Use of past tenses (passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait),
  • Use of the future, near future, conditional present, past conditional, if-clauses,  
  • Use of the subjunctive (possibility, obligation, opinion, feelings);
  • Use of the  passive voice,
  • simple relative pronouns,   
  • time and place clauses.

At the end of this course, the students are supposed to be able to do in:


  • can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure; - can generally follow the main points of extended discussion around him/her, provided speech is clearly articulated in standard dialect; - can understand the information content of the majority of recorded or broadcast audio material on topics of personal interest delivered in clear standard speech; - can understand the main points of radio news bulletins and simpler recorded material about familiar subjects delivered relatively slowly and clearly.


can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfil a specific task; - can find and understand relevant information in everyday material, such as letters, brochures and short official documents; - can recognise significant points in straightforward newspaper articles on familiar subjects.


can express his/her thoughts about abstract or cultural topics such as music, films, books; - can compare and contrast alternatives, discussing what to do, where to go, who or which to choose, etc. - can make his/her opinions and reactions understood as regards solutions to problems or practical questions of where to go, what to do, how to organise an event (e.g. an outing). - can express belief, opinion, agreement and disagreement politely.


  • can write personal and formal letters, write to give news and expressing thoughts about abstract or cultural topics such as music, films; - can write personal letters describing experiences, feelings and events in some detail; - can take messages communicating enquiries, explaining problems
Evaluation methods

During the semester, continuous assessment (40%)

  • 5 writing assignments during the semester (10%)
  • dialogues performed in front of the class (10%)
  • test of grammar, tenses and vocabulary (10%)
  • one group oral presentation (10%)
  • Dossier de développement de la compétence d'écoute (5 %)
  • Développement du vocabulaire et participation au cours  (5 %)

At the exam, final assessment (60%)

  • 3 listening files (multiple choice)
  • 2 texts to read (multiple choice)
  • 1 text to write
  • talking about personal topics and a roleplay about finding a solution to a problem.
Teaching methods

This course is based on an action-oriented approach, engaging the student in diverse tasks to acquire a better knowledge of the language, while stimulating the development of receptive (listening and reading) and interactive skills.


In this course, students are put in everyday situations where it is necessary to listen, read, speak and write.

In each class, they improve their listening skills through broadcast audio material  ( radio, TV, media, internet),  they have to interact  through  roleplay or in discussion with one or more people, they write about a personal experience and learn how to express their opinion, they discover Belgian lifestyle through  visits, films and songs.

  • Syllabus
  • Plate-forme http://moodleucl.uclouvain.be
  • M. Grégoire. Grammaire progressive du français. Niveau intermédiaire, CLE International
  • J. Bady et allii. Conjugaison. 350 exercices. 1000 verbes à conjuguer, Hachette français langue étrangère
  • http://www.tv5.org/apprendre
Other information

This course corresponds to the BI level of the Common European Framework of Reference of the Council of Europe

Training staff
A group of about 20 students  
The teacher is available during his reception time and can be contacted by email.

Cycle et année
> Preparotory year for Master in Multilingual Communication
Faculty or entity
in charge

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