Teacher(s) |
Vandenberghe Vincent ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
This course deals with:
- the economic effects of education
- education as an investment in human capital
- financing and organization of the education system
- economic analysis of education policies.
Aims |
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- form a structured understanding of the relationship between education and economic development, employment and unemployment; technological developments; inequality of chances and discrimination; inequality of income
- use economic analysis tools in dealing with the issues raised above as well as those relating to the management of the education system.
Content |
The course covers the following areas :
- individual benefits of education: analysis of the concept of human capital
- human capital and growth/development: general theory and empirical assessment
- the nature of property used for education and implications for its financing
- availability of education and training : economic analysis of the working and management of education and training systems
- business and training
- the third sector as 'provider' of education
- the increasing role of skills or the question of new inequalities.
The course is based on the presentation and discussion of theories, concepts and methods promoted by education economists.
These theories are discussed from the perspective of the results of many empirical, micro and macro analyses carried out by economists in education, growth and employment.
Other information |
- individual for 45 minutes : responding to a multiple choice questionnaire covering the main points from the course
- in a sub-group for 2 hours : dealing with an open question relating to points from the course (1-2 pages required)
A collection of texts, including a more thorough bibliography, is available for students at the beginning of the course. There is also a course web page which includes an introduction, a self-assessment exercise and
correction of exercises.
Developing a teaching strategy adapted to adults includes the link between theory and practice, work in sub-groups, training assessment and group and individual work on the appropriateness of material.
Illustrations from different fields of adult education and training : continuing education, special education, schools, lifelong learning etc.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Preparatory year for Master in Education (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity in charge |