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Seminar on philosophy of the social sciences [ LFILO2940 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Maesschalck Marc ; Dedeurwaerdere Tom ;
Language French
of the course


Main themes

The seminar will deal with a topic in the area of the philosophy of the human sciences to be determined by its members in relation to research projects they are currently involved in. Active participation in discussions is strongly encouraged. Professors and researchers from the UCL who are interested in the topic and specialists in the topic from outside the UCL are invited to participate in the seminar.


Upon successful completion of the seminar the student should be able :
- To conduct research into a topic in the area of the philosophy of human sciences based on a critical analysis of major works and texts by authors who are dealing with that topic, and also based on contributions presented in the framework of the seminar;
- To write a scientific paper on a precisely delimited research topic that is germane to the topic of the seminar ;
- To participate actively in cooperative research in the philosophy of the human sciences, especially through participation in discussions of contributions made within the framework of the seminar

Evaluation methods

Travail de 10 pages à réaliser à partir de la lecture d'un des textes proposés dans la farde de lecture

Envoi du travail par mail et envoi en retour d'une question sur le travail à préparer  pour l'examen oral.

Exposé de la question lors de l'examen oral (15 min.).

Le travail peut être réalisé en français et en anglais moyennant accord avec le titulaire.

Teaching methods




Collective commitment and intellectual intervention in society.


This seminar aims at questioning the specificities of forms of social innovation insofar as they guide the individuals' actions and thoughts. The seminar, articulated on the question of the role of intellectual intervention in society, interrogates the efficiency of practical and theoretical processes of collective commitment. In order to grasp the philosophical question of social transformation, the seminar follows a critical and historical approach, insisting on the importance of intellectual intervention in society. The seminar will thus interrogate central concepts of several disciplines, including sociology of knowledge, phenomenology and political philosophy.


Althusser L. Pour Marx, Paris, La Découverte, 1996.

Benda J., La trahison des clercs, Paris, Les Cahiers rouges, Grasset, 2003.

Benjamin A., « La démocratie et l'université : Notes sur les "Vorlesungen über die Bestimmung des Gelehrten" de Fichte », dans Revue Philosophique de Louvain, nr. 2, tome 111, 2013.

Foucault M., « Qu'est-ce que la critique ? », dans Bulletin de la société française de philosophie, Paris, Armand Colin, 1990.

Foucault M., « Le sujet et le pouvoir », dansDits et écrits II, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Quarto, 2001.

Karsenti B., D'une philosophie à l'autre. Les sciences sociales et la politique des modernes, Paris, Gallimard, 2013.

Mannheim K., Idéologie et utopie, tr. Jean-Luc Évard, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2006.

Mannheim K., « The Problem of the Intelligentsia. An Inquiry into its past and present rôle », dans K. Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Culture, Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956.

Murakami Y., Lévinas phénoménologue, Grenoble, Millon, 2002.

Sohn-Rethel A., La pensée-marchandise, Editions du Croquant, 2010.

Weber M., Le savant et le politique, tr. Catherine Colliot-Thélène, Paris, La Découverte, 2003.


Other information


Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Philosophy
> Master [120] in Ethics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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