Compensation and evaluation of damages [ LDROP2012 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
de Callatay Daniel ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The lesson successively tackles the conditions, which is subject to the compensation of damage eligible from the civil responsibility as well as the general principles of the compensation of property and extra property damages. It then analyses, in function of a precise nomenclature, the different elements of harm and the techniques and methods used to evaluate them as much in common law as in the particular system of accidents at the work place. It also mentions the recent initiatives, as much in national as European law, in view of harmonising the rules of evaluation or bar metering the indemnities.
Aims |
The course aims to allow the student to master the techniques and methods used by the Court in preparation to evaluate and repair the damages caused to goods as well as damages which result in personal injury or death, and to choose amongst these the one which seems the best adapted to the victims situation.
At the end of the course, the students must be able:
- To understand and explain the general principles which guide the compensation of damages as well as the different techniques allowing the evaluation of a damage;
- To identify the different posts of repairable damages in the most recent state of the jurisprudence;
- To carry out the complete evaluation of the damage to goods or personal injury at the offset of a concrete case.
This course is part of a consistent option of three courses. The holders of the optional courses form an educational team: they consult each other on the contents and methods of each course in order to assure compliancy. [The course relies on the participative educational methods (training by projects or problems, jurisprudence or doctrine commentaries, debates with guests, case- studies?) allowing the student to individually develop a critical, prospective and inventive outlook. The student is encouraged to participate in the lesson and to be involved in the training, which has both an individual and collective aspect. In this perspective, the teachers of the different options consult each other within the Faculty about the education system in place].
Other information |
Method of evaluation, Oral examination; the student may use a non-annotated exemplary chart indicative of the damages and fixed interests and mortality tables. Supports and references In addition to the indicative chart and mortality tables, the course will draw on an examination of jurisprudence to appear in 2009. The examination concerns only the material seen in the lessons.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Certificat d'université : Droit des assurances (15/20 crédits)
> Master [120] in Law
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity in charge |
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