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Introduction to Sociology [ LDROI1221 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  45.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Mangez Eric ; Baudewyns Pierre ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Elements of Sociology 1. Specificity of the sociological approach; 2. Main sociological points of views; 3. Introduction of the sociological vocabulary: status and role groups and culture - values and norms; 4. Analysis of the main social life's mechanisms: social stratification - classes - social change. Introduction to Political Sociology Five topics will be taken into consideration: 1. The State: comparative analysis of the State in sociological theory; 2. Political groups: parties, pressure groups, minorities, revolutionary groups; 3. Political opinions: opinion's formation, theory and methodology of surveys and role of socio-demographic determinants of opinion (age, sex, classes, religion, education,…) 4. Electoral Sociology 5. Questions about the industrial society. It is a ex-cathedra teaching, with eventually other pedagogical approaches. A syllabus will be available at the beginning of the semester.
Aims To introduce the students to the specificity of the sociological approach and to the diversity of the sociological points of views; After introducing to the basic sociological vocabulary, to offer to the students the conceptual and technical instruments for dealing with several sociological questions including those concerned by Public Law.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Environmental Science and Management
> Bachelor in Law
> Preparatory year for Master in Criminology
> Bachelor in Philosophy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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