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Evaluation of Agricultural Policies [ LBRAI2213 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Henry de Frahan Bruno ;
Language English
of the course
Online resources



Micro-economics (e.g., LBIR1242 Principes d'économie), introduction to econometrics (e.g., LECGE1316 or LINGE1221 Econométrie) and Microsoft Excel.

Main themes

Economic models for policy analysis: Demand and supply models, Household models, Market and multi-market models, Trade models, Computable general equilibrium models. Most illustrations are drawn from recent agricultural and trade policy reforms.


With respect to the learning outcomes of the Bio-engineering in agricultural sciences, this course contributes to the following main learning outcomes:

1.3 - 1.4: model selections

2.1 - 2.5: model specifications, techniques and programming

3.4 - 3.6: model design, simulation, interpretation and practices

4.4: model design and specifications


By the end of the course, students are able to:

-       know and understand common applied methods for policy analysis in both partial and general equilibrium settings,

-       design simple econometric and mathematical models to analyse economic policies under various hypothesis and scopes as well as recognise their limitations,

-       bridge their microeconomic theory to policy analysis,

-       be better prepared to assist policy decision makers.

Evaluation methods

Written examination, mainly syntheses and exercises

Teaching methods

Teaching in class room and several applications in computer room.


1.     Government interventions and their evaluation

2.     Demand analysis

3.     The profit function approach to supply and factor demand

4.     Supply response: expectations formation and partial adjustment

5.     Agricultural household models

6.     Price distortions: indicators and partial equilibrium analysis

7.     Multimarket models: principles and applications

8.     General equilibrium theory

9.     National account data and social accountancy matrix

10. Design and use of computable general equilibrium models


Teacher's textbook, complementary publications, slide shows and overheads available on iCampus.


Recommended textbook:

Sadoulet Elisabeth and Alain de Janvry.  Quantitative Development Analysis, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1995.

Other information

Course taught in English with most material in English and some in French.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
> Advanced Master in Rural Economics and Sociology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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