a. Contribution of the activity to the referential (LO)
B1.3, B1.5, B3.2, B3.6, B3.7, B4.2, B6.2, B6.3, B8.1, B8.2, B8.5
b. Specific formulation for this activity in the learning outcomes of the programme.
At the end of this activity, the student :
- knows and understands the different steps of mechanical and chemical digestion, regulations associated to the digestive process, as well as absorption in different animal species;
- is able to compare the functioning of the digestive system of omnivores, carnivores and herbivores (mono- and polygastrics);
- is able to describe the role, the mode of action and the regulation of the main hormones;
- is able to describe the oestral cycle and its regulation;
- is able to compare the characteristics of the reproduction of the main rent animals;
- knows and understands the anatomy and the development of the mammary gland as well as the control of lactation;
- is able to connect the different concepts seen during the course in order to address clearly and precisely cross-cutting issues related to animal physiology.