Droit de l'espace bâti et non bâti [ LAUCE2591 ]
3.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Thiebaut Christophe ;
Born Charles-Hubert ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The course contains notions of public law (first part) and private law (second part).
The first part is about :
- territory development and town-planning right : territory plans, town planning rules, agreement, sanctions and execution of plans (expropriation);
- environment : agreement;
- public contracts : the successive steps of contracting of a public contract are reviewed in a chronological order : selection of the way to contract a public agreement; documents of the contract; publicity; depositing of the tender; qualitative selection of the tenders; regularity of tendering; selection of the successful tenderer; conclusion of the agreement; general duty of information and motivation; execution.
The second part contains two sections : the first is about the housing property and about the secundary rights of this; the second concerns the legal relations issued from the realization of a built project : acces to business, relations between the master builder and the architect, relation between the master builder and the building contractor.
Aims |
The course aims to give at the applicant civil engineer the first legals notions which are essentials to the realization of a built project, under the point of view of his conception, his building, his exploitation, his transformation or his replacement.
At this effect, the student is requested to use a legal text (formal presentation of a legal norm), to understand this sense (technics of interpretation) and to aplly this one at a practical situation).
It's includ the town planning right, the environment law, the property law and the publics contracts.
At the end of the course and in his professionnal field, the student should must, first, have acquired some reflex to get the legal security of the built project and, second, have understood the logics and the argument of a legal text.
The course is based on the wallon law and indicate the brussels and the flanders legals specifications.
Content |
Other information |
The course is based on a syllabus, a book of legal texts, a compilation of documentation and visuals supports. The student must be in possession of the legal texts during the course.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Architecture and Engineering
> Master [120] in Civil Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
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