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Dissertation / Thesis [ LANTR2900 ]

15.0 crédits ECTS   

Language French
of the course
Aims The master's thesis is an important time for learning by doing personal research. It must allow the student to develop and demonstrate an ability to manage by itself a disciplinary matter, asking assumptions anthropological work by implementing the following methods of ethnographic fieldwork, including essential participant observation, describing, analyzing and interpreting appropriately the information gathered on the ground, putting them in connection with one or more adequate theoretical frameworks, outlining and writing the content and achievements of his entire approach as an ethnographic monograph. The end of Master 120 is therefore the culmination of scientific studies in anthropology. It requires the mobilization of all the methodology and heuristics approach university. The thesis must demonstrate an ability to empirical, synthesis and reflection and focus on targeted research questions.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Anthropology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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