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Biologie moléculaire (travaux pratiques) [ WSBIM1202P ]

1.0 crédits ECTS  20.0 h   1q 

Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes In eucaryotes and procaryotes: Structure of DNA, organization of the genome, DNA replication, flow of genetic information (from DNA to protein).
Aims The students should know the fundamentals of molecular genetics in eucaryotes and procaryotes, and become familiarized with the principles of nucleic acid and protein analysis and of genetic engineering; The content of the course constitutes a prerequisite for other courses like microbiology, biochemistry or immunology.
Content For the theoretical part: In eucaryotes and procaryotes: Structure of DNA, genome organisation, DNA replication, organisation of genes, synthesis and control of synthesis of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, protein synthesis (translation; post-translational modifications; protein sorting). Practical part: Analysis of plasmidic DNA, electrophoretic separation of DNA fragments, screening of recombinant bacteria, restriction enzyme analysis of DNA, polymerase chain reaction.
Other information Assessment: By written exam. The students will be examined on their knowledge of the subject, and on their capacity to use the knowledge to solve problems. Support: Book: Biochimie Génétique. Biologie Moléculaire. J. Etienne et E. Clauser, Editions Masson; Laboratory exercise book provided by lecturers.
Cycle et année
> Preparatory year for Master in Biomedicine
> Bachelor in Biomedicine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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