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Regional Development [ LSPRI2640 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Schoon Alain ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes a) The course aims at apprehending various development dynamics in their space dimension and strategic dimension (space-time-bond). It fits consequently in an interdisciplinary approach (economy, sociology, political science and history). b) It examines the various situations explaining regional development disparities within the industrialized nations and particularly within Europe. Lessons are thus drawn to clarify Belgium particular situation. c) the course is structured in several "modules" according to two axes: - The analysis of the variables determining the differential development of the regions (theories, diagnoses, actors strategies); - The definition of strategies and future orientations of development policies adapted to the par-ticular regional situations within the European countries (and Belgium in particular). d) The course focuses especially on the examination of actors strategies and development policies (role played by contractors, State, etc). A particular importance is granted to the instruments of EEC regional policies.
Aims 1. The course aims at giving students tools for theoretical analysis and practical instruments likely to en-able them to establish a diagnosis of the development, to understand their basic mechanisms and to help them in their definition of future orientations and prospects of development. 2. The course is based on concrete situations apprehended according to a multidisciplinary approach: it is based mainly on the current situation of imbalances between different European regions, as well as im-balances between different Belgian regions.
Content 1. The course is structured in fifteen modules (of two hours each) according to a program that will be dis-cussed with the students. This program is adapted according to the students "background" and also ac-cording to the various disciplines from which they originate. 2. For each module, a selective bibliography is provided to the students and reading priorities are estab-lished. 3. Statistics material concerning the developments of European regions is provided to the students in order to enable them to apprehend the various variables of development and to evaluate the range of it.
Other information Concerning the evaluation: students have the choice, between a critical essay on a par-ticular aspect of regional development (10-15 pages) or an evaluation on the taught mate-rial.
Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Political Sciences: General
> Master [120] in Public Administration
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: General
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations
Faculty or entity
in charge

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