Ethics and computer science [ LSINF2202 ]
3.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
This biannual course is taught on years 2010-2011, 2012-2013, ...
Teacher(s) |
Gosseries Axel ;
Pereira Olivier ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
- Ethics:
- definition and stakes
- ethical codes (ACM, IEEE);
- security of computer systems, hacking, virus;
- cryptography, private life respect, law respect;
- intellectual property of software and information.
- Computer and society:
- actors, computer evolution;
- new functions, services (i.e. business, education, culture, health, state management);
- universal acces to internet.
Aims |
- To be aware of the influence of computer on the evolution of society
- To take into account the specific responsabilities of computer professional
Teaching methods |
Partially as seminars
Bibliography |
- M. Mc Farland, Urgency of ethical standards intensifies in computer community, IEEE Computer, March 1990.
- R. Anderson et al., Using the new ACM code of ethics in decision making, CACM, Feb. 1993
- G. Farris, Diversity in the high-tech workplace, IEEE Spectrum, June 1992
- CPSR, Computer Professionals for Social Responsability, - Social Informatics,
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Certificat universitaire en éthique économique et sociale
> Master [120] in Computer Science and Engineering
> Master [120] in Computer Science
Faculty or entity in charge |
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