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Family education [ LPSYM2432 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Roskam Isabelle ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes - Becoming a mother/father, evolution of attachment links, phases of the parental development, parental function. - Observation and research methods on the relationship between parents and children. - Parental cognition: feeling of competence with the parents, beliefs linked to the development and education of the child. - Educative practices used by the parents and their impact on the child development. - Notion of co-parent and the implications in family relationships.
Aims This course aims more particularly at developing competences of observation and analysis of the relationships between parents and children in a family. Thanks to these observations and analyses, the students will be trained to identify the adapted interventions to a specific situation, to conceive psychological and / or educative interventions for families, to propose an evaluation plan of the intervention project, including the communication of results phase and the questioning on the possible readjusting.
Content The set of topics to be broached will be discussed in function of: - Characteristics linked to the parent (e.g. level of schooling, cultural origin); - Characteristics linked to the child ( e.g. development and / or behavior troubles, personality, age, sex); - Characteristics linked to the social environment (e.g. social support, brotherhood, united couple vs. separate couple. The conceptual/theoretical bases will be proposed to the students during the course. Students will be invited to research and summarize a published scientific article about one of the topics. Finally, they will also be invited to conceive a fictional intervention in a family based on a hypothetical case of interest for them.
Other information Evaluation: evaluation modalities will be defined by the teacher(s) at the beginning of the course. Support: videos and CD-rom will illustrate the different topics broached.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Family and Sexuality Studies
Faculty or entity
in charge

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