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Private international law - Actual issues [ LMCEU2305 ]

15.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   1+2q 

Teacher(s) Martin Denis ; De Kerchove Gilles ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

The questions are chosen according to actuality. Lectures cover questions of family law as well as of commercial law, including contracts, torts, insolvency, company law, intellectual property law. It takes into account the European law aspects of private international law rules.


This course proposes an in-depth study of current issues of private international law. These issues are presented under their conflict of laws and conflict of jurisdictions aspects. The course aims at acquiring a better understanding of the policy and of the way the rule of law is implemented in practice. In particular, the course prepares students who plan to practice in the field of international commercial or family law. It offers access to legal tools that are not analyzed in detail in the context of the general course on private international law but which are relevant in the daily international practice.

Other information

The general course of private international law is a prerequisite

Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in European Law
Faculty or entity
in charge

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