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Handicaps and psychology [ LKINE1002 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) De Volder Anne ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course will aim at providing a significant basis of knowledge about the principal types of handicaps and their psychological and familial consequences in each context for which a treatment by kinesitherapy/physiotherapy is useful. The main themes will be: - the definitions of the "handicap" and the historical evolution of the relations between handicapped people and valid people as well as the current general situation; - the various types of impairments, disabilities and handicaps; - sensory disorders; - motor disorders, in particular cerebral palsy (CP) and other deficiencies from birth - muscular diseases of childhood (muscular dystrophy) and acquired motor deficiencies in the adult; - learning disorders; - autism and autism spectrum disorders; - psychotic disorders; - mood disorders, especially depression; - individual and familial life in adults affected by motor handicap; - relations between handicapped and valid people at school, in the family and in the professional and medical environment as well as in the third world. A special attention will be paid to understand the effect of the psychological problems linked to the handicap in terms of their influence on the outcome of kinesitherapy/physiotherapy and rehabilitation programs.
Aims At the end of this course, the student will have a general knowledge of the principal types of handicaps he is expected to meet in his professional life. The student will be familiarized with the huge categories of deficiencies and with the psychological experience of handicapped people in their daily life.
Content The "Handicaps and Psychology" course will provide a strong basis of knowledge about the principal types of handicaps and their psychological and familial consequences in each context for which a treatment by kinesitherapy/physiotherapy is useful. A special attention will be paid to understand the effect of the psychological problems linked to the handicap in terms of their influence on the outcome of kinesitherapy/physiotherapy and rehabilitation programs. The main themes will be the definitions of " handicap", the relations between handicapped and valid people, the various types of impairments, disabilities and physical handicaps (sensory and motor disorders), the mental handicaps, the individual and familial life of handicapped people. The teaching method is a lecture (with syllabus as written support) and patient reports on video films, which are projected during the lecture to illustrate the theory.
Other information Requirements: this course is with reference to "General Psychology" Evaluation: written or oral examination and/or some elements of continuous evaluation Support: Syllabus and/or book(s) Management: Titular(s) others: This course must be coordinated with the course " Theory of rehabilitation "
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Faculty or entity
in charge

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