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Elaboration, gestion et évaluation de projets [ LFOPM2023 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Jacquemet Stéphane ; de Viron Françoise ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes At a theoretical level, the course provides an approach to concepts for projects on education, institutions, pedagogy and training and their epistemological principles ; an approach for needs and curriculum analysis and their epistemological principles ; a critical approach to different models of design, management and assessment. At a methodological level, the course enables students to acquire a certain number of tools, with emphasis on their epistemological principles.
Aims To use correctly, and in a critical way, the theoretical and methodological tools presented in the course to - describe and analyse the methods of design, management and assessment of a project; - place and link different kinds of projects at the organizational level; - draw up a strategy for the design, management and assessment of a project in a given context.
Evaluation methods

This course being built such a 'methodological accompaniment', its validation is the resultant various parameters:

- active participation in the meetings (continuing evaluation)

- follow-up in work inter-meetings (continuing evaluation)

- given at the end of the six-month period a file containing the model of deliverable, a plan of project and a critical analysis of the significant stages of the lived process.

Teaching methods

In order to carry out the various intended aims above, several methods of work will be introduced:

- conceptual presentations

- operational work stage by stage

- discussions and debates of groups

- cross confrontations

- settings in situation

- creative developments





22nd of  September 2012




Concept, definition, put in project personal basic


Innovation versus Consolidation

Definition of 'deliverable'


Context and tools


Definition of the selected project

First tools for planning


13th of October 2012




Actors' positions

Components of the Logical Bill book project Led actors



Risks' analysis




17th of November 2012




Accompaniment of the change


Resistances and ambivalence

Training and coaching



Environments of diffusion

Institutional marketing

Images and words


15th of December 2012





Methodology of evaluation and assessment


Required effects

Quality system and assessment of activities



Bach, P. (2007). Le management de projet de formation. Bruxelles: De Boeck

Barjou, B. (2000). Vendre ses idées et ses projets. Paris : ESF

Cohen, R. (2006). Concevoir et lancer un projet. Paris : Eyrolles

Dennery, M. (2006). Piloter un projet de formation. Paris : ESF

Hougron, T. (2003). La conduite de projet. Paris: Dunod

Maders, H-P. (2003). Manager une équipe de projet. Paris : Eyrolles

Fernandez, A. (2005). Le chef de projet efficace. Paris : Eyrolles

Raynal, S. (1996). Le management par projet. Paris : Editions d'Organisation

Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Pedagogy in Higher Education
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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