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Méthodes d'évaluation et de gestion environnementale [ LENVI2011 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Tack Jean-Pierre ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The themes addressed during the sessions are: Part I : Environmental Assessment - The tools used the environmental manager - The permit application (land use, operation, unique) - The environmental impact evaluation - The environmental impact assessment, disciplines air, noise, vibrations, surface waters, groundwater, soil, fauna and flora, landscape and health impact assessment Part II : Environmental management - Management systems according to the ISO; differences with EMAS - The ISO 14001 standard : initial analysis, policy, objectives and environmental programme, management system, audit and corrective actions - The other standards of the family (overview)
Aims During the course, the students will acquire the competencies needed for : - the preparation of an environmental application license - the evaluation of the environmental impacts of a medium size project (in the context of the regulations on the evaluation of the impacts of projects on the environment) - the preparation of an environmental analysis and the definition of an environmental actions program for a simple case in an industrial site (in the framework of the ISO 14001 standard on Environmental Management Systems) These competencies will be accompanied with knowledge of the related regulations (Belgium, France) and applicable methodologies.
Content On the basis of examples, with the return of experience from the lecturer and with two site visits, the students will be able to draft environmental evaluations for middle complexity subjects, and prepare an action plan aiming at increasing the environmental performance of installations in industrial sites.
Other information Precursory courses : Second cycle Evaluation : Two written reports, based on the site visits Support : Course, examples of reports, support documents Teaching team : Trainer professionally active in these disciplines Miscellaneous : The training requires 1 visit (2 hours) on or near the campus and 1 half-day visit in an industrial site
Cycle et année
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Faculty or entity
in charge

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