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Family Patrimonial Law [ LDRHD2105 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  18.0 h  

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Tainmont Fabienne ; Renchon Jean-Louis ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course includes necessarily the specific study of successions law and liberalities law. But, taking into account the objectives assigned to the course, it will integrate as well the study of the various legal rules, and in particular family law rules, matrimonial law rules and fiscal law rules, which are likely to govern the consequences of the death of a person, for instance when a person is called to planify her death, or when after the death of a person, the people she was closed to and / or her heirs have to collect the rights and obligations she left or have to carry out and to deal with various obligations and formalities related to the death.
Aims The course family patrimonial right has as primary aim to initiate the students to a specific branch of the civil law which could not be taught in the program of the baccalaureat : successions and liberalities (Book III of the Civil code, Titles I and II). Beyond this objective of basic knowledge essential to the comprehension of a particular branch of the substantive law, the course has as second objective to come back, during the second cycle of the law studies, to the analysis of a specific thematic of the social life - family relations - allowing the students to develop a competence of critical reflection relating to the way family relations are currently apprehended and controlled in the contemporary society and a competence of application of the law in the concrete situations. To achieve this second aim, the course will not be limited to a study of the specific rules of successions and liberalities law but will integrate it in a broader perspective taking account of the management and transmission of the inheritances within the family and of the incidence that the death of a close relation has on family life.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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