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Criminal Sociology [ LCRIM2104 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 15.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Brion Fabienne ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes This course surveys major theoretical approaches to deviance and social control, and to crime and legal punishment.
Aims ° Expose the major theories and fundemental concepts in sociological criminology. ° Develop analytical skills required for critical appraisal of criminological research ° Introduce to sociological reasoning and practice as applied to deviance and social control, crime and legal punishment (formulation of research hypotheses, analysis of empirical data)
Content Contents: The theories surveyed are : (1) The social disorganization and ecological theories (2) The subcultural and strain theories (3) The differential association and social learning theories (4) The anomie and structural-functionalist theories (5) The labelling and social-constructionist theories (6) The power-conflict and marxist theories Teaching Methods : Lecture course and seminars (practical exercises). Attendance at all lectures ans seminars is required. Reading assignments. Study questions.
Other information Complementary readings: presentation, analysis and discussion of selected texts: E Burgess, CR Shaw, HD Mc Kay, E Sutherland, T Sellin, E Durkheim, R.K. Merton, HS. Becker, E Goffman, H. Garfinkel In-class written exam. 15-pages take-home essay (seminar-practical exercises)
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Criminology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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